2PC provides general Civil Engineering Consulting services.
Quick Site Assessment
If you’re looking for a tract of land to develop on, 2PC can provide you with a quick 1-page site assessment that will cover Platting, Zoning, Impervious Cover, Review Jurisdiction, Utility Availability and Site Characteristics. We can also develop a rough site concept plan for the site based on your building criteria needs.
Detailed Site Assessment
2PC will research and provide a detailed Site Assessment for a potential property for development. Once you’ve narrowed down your site selection, 2PC will provide you with a very detailed Site Assessment. The detailed Site Assessment is an extension of the quick site assessment in that we will dive into the details of each assessed category and inform you of the rules, procedures and processes for each of those items. This report will also contain exhibits to back up the results of each category. These reports are generally about 75+ pages and can include more detailed conceptual planning if requested.
Preliminary Plat
2PC will prepare all documents, reports and drawings required to present and process a Preliminary Plat through the governing agency. Generally, this includes drainage studies, utility schematics and floodplain certifications.
Final Platting
2PC will provide the appropriate materials and reports to accompany a surveyed plat. Generally, this includes drainage studies, utility schematics and floodplain certifications.
Site Construction Plans
2PC will work with the clients’ vision to develop a set of constructible site plans for the project. The plans will adhere to and include all necessary information for code compliance in the appropriate governing jurisdiction. 2PC will leverage the many years of experience and knowledge to develop the plans to not only be suitable for construction but to also be engineered in the most feasible and cost-effective method.
Processing Plans
This part of the development process is the most important part. Processing plans through the governing agencies can be a daunting and time-consuming task. 2PC’s professional staff has worked diligently over the years to develop and maintain governing review agency relationships. While there is still a formal process to adhere to, these relationships often can assist in the review process. Reviewing agencies in the area generally consist of; City, County, TCEQ, TxDOT and TDLR.
Construction Administration
2PC will assist the client during the construction phase of the project. 2PC will review product submittals, review costs submittals and attend site meetings to assist the client in the fluent construction activity. Once construction is complete, the engineer of record will walk the project with the client and contractor to establish a site punch list of items that require correction for proper completion of the site.